Our freedom from spam had come at a stiff price& a very high false-positive rate. 我们为摆脱垃圾邮件付出了沉重的代价&误判率非常之高。
Would be double agents ought to know that there is a stiff price to pay for treason. 想当双重间谍者应该明白,叛国要付出极其重大的代价。
But it paid a stiff price for the status, not only abandoning its Airbus stake but overpaying in 2007 for Armor Holdings, which made armoured vehicles needed in Iraq. 但BAE为这种地位付出了高昂的代价,不仅放弃了所持空客的股份,还在2007年出高价收购了ArmorHoldings(该公司生产伊拉克战场上使用的装甲车)。